Thursday, September 20, 2012

Well, Go-Gurt gets it!

Finally, domestic marketing aimed at men, no not just men, but dads! And these fathers aren't the normal, run of the mill counterparts to the ever present advertising portrayal of Mommies-of-the-Year. Nope, these guys are actually the ones packing the lunches for the kiddos!

Let's hear it for Go-Gurt, I mean it's only 2012, what trend setters! Here I am watching Mr. Clean rescue this poor housewife from having to tote around a variety of cleaners, by arming her with his "Magic Eraser" and then BAM, switch ads and.....Dad is packing the lunch. WHAT? Isn't that a "woman's role."

Well, apparently not anymore, and it's about damn time! If there is one thing I am SO sick of it is the idea that women, according to the majority of current advertising, are still the end-all-be-all of the "domestic sphere." But, with this one ad I can see a light, albeit a small one, at the end of the tunnel!

What does this mean for the future??? Could one day I witness a commercial portraying dear old dad touting a huge smile as he admires the heft and tenacity with which his Brawny paper towel just cleaned up that spill? Will I see Dad agonizing over which wholesome meal to prepare that night for his family as he peruses the superstore shelves? I mean, really, the possibilities are endless! And, it's about time, because I just can't keep up the level of domesticity that society expects of me.

I am a woman, a wife, and a mother, but I can tell you straight up I couldn't care less which paper towel brand is the best, or if my floor cleaner smells of spring flowers, I'm too busy pursuing a career and raising a child that hopefully will appreciate women for the reality of their abilities and achievements.

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