Monday, September 3, 2012

Hide Your Wife, Hide Your Husband, Hide the Point

Antoine Dodson…I’ll be the first to admit I laughed out loud when I saw this news clip for the first time, I even found myself being able to recite his lines from memory, but what I couldn’t remember was if the rapist had ever been caught, a question I still can’t answer today. That simple fact is what transforms this news clip from funny to a media mistake, is the lack of journalistic responsibility.

Is it funny, well, yes, but is that the point of news reporting, no.

According to the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics (1996), reporters should “be sensitive when seeking or using interviews or photographs of those affected by tragedy or grief” and additionally, they should, “show good taste” and “avoid pandering to lurid curiosity” (para. 3). Did they follow these guidelines in the Dodson case, I would have to say no.

The way this story was reported not only lost the seriousness of the situation, it was also framed to appear almost like a mockery of low-income African American families. The clip was more like something that would appear on Saturday Night Live or Mad TV, not something to be taken with merit on the evening news.

It’s difficult to consider yourself media literate, and better schooled than most in the shortcomings and techniques of modern journalism, only to get lost in the surface comedy of the Dodson case. And, although, I can admit I laughed, I can’t say that it makes me proud. Again, the fact that a woman was almost raped, should never be cause for even a shorthanded snicker, but again, the news media should take a more responsible approach in the way they frame their segments, especially ones concerning such serious issues. And further, those standards of responsible reporting practices should be kept regardless of race, gender, sexuality or any other defining characteristics. 

Society of Professional Journalists. (1996). SPJ Code of Ethics. Retrieved from                                                                                                       

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