Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Equality, but not really…is that right Mr. Romney?

I told myself: “No more political blogs.” But, alas, I must write just one more. After last night’s debate I would be derelict in my duties not to!

So, the question posed to the candidates was about equal pay for women, and while neither really answered the question directly, I was once again floored by the pretentiousness of Gov. Mitt Romney.

He began tackling this question by heralding himself as a leader in diversifying the workplace. Not only did he ask his staff, “where are the women job applicants were,” he also ended up with binders full of women! Imagine, binders full of them! Then he proceeded to explain how once he hired these women, he understood they needed special treatment. Now keep in mind the question is about EQUALITY, not special needs. So, Mr. Romney in his infinite generosity explained how he knows that women need to come in late and leave early so they can not only take care of their children, but also be home to make dinner!

ARE YOU KIDDING ME???!!! Equality has nothing to do with any of that! I don’t need to file a special claim of circumstance or disability in the workplace because of my gender, but that is exactly what he insinuated.

I don’t know about everyone else, but when I say I want to be treated equality, it is based on fairness and comes without gender role assignment. Equality as described by Mitt Romney in the second presidential debate is a ridiculous notion, and it showcases his lack of intelligence on even the simplest of matters concerning our nation and society.

(As a side note, who wants to elect a president named after a piece of baseball equipment anyway?) 

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