Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Big Bird is a Democrat and the gardner is gay

I hate election year. It brings out the absolute worst in people. In addition to dealing with the continuous auditory assault of spoken ignorance, election years force me to perpetually “spring clean” my social media friend base. I am always shocked to realize I have been long-time friends with so many racists, sexists, and morons! So, I decided this week to blog a few of the most outrageous comments that I have heard lately in regards to politics and social issues. And, this is only what I have heard personally, I’m sure the spectrum of stupidity is much more broad at a national level.

At the gym:

Mrs. J. has come to the conclusion that people only vote for Obama because “he is a black, and people feel sorry for him because he has to be a black.” Furthermore, she has deduced that all liberals are “uneducated and poor” because if they weren’t they would realize “how wrong it is to be a liberal, with no religion, because no one can be moral without the good Lord Jesus Christ.” When told her comments were offensive, she responded, “How can what I’m saying be offensive if it’s all facts?”

At my child’s school:

Mom A is waiting for her child to be released from school and is visiting with Mom B very loudly and excitedly, their conversation is as follows:

Mom A: “My God, I had no idea PBS was run by democrats!”
Mom B: “I know! Can you imagine, our children have grown up with Big Bird, and honestly I never thought twice about it!”
Mom A: “Well, the worst part is, these people, people like the PBS people, are in our schools!! And, they are around our children!!!”

So, now poor Big Bird is getting the boot, all because he is assumed to be a democrat. And, worse still….are you sitting down?....There. Could. Be. Democrat. Teachers. In. Our. Public. Schools!!!! Give me a break, there are many more things to be concerned about, namely for Mom A, is the fact that she double parked her massive SUV and should really focus on learning to drive a bit better.

At lunch:

My friend and I were eating lunch when we were graciously given the opportunity to overhear (well. not really, these ladies were basically screaming at each other from two feet apart) a delightful conversation concerning Christian convictions. Both ladies in this conversation were nicely dressed and about middle age, the topic on hand: the “prissy” preacher at Sunday service.

Lady 1: “I knew it was true from the time he told us about his roses.”
Lady 2: “Did he come out and just say it??!!”
Lady 1: “Well, no, but any man who likes to garden must have ‘the gay.’”
Lady 2: “Yes, you’re right, I just wish we would have gotten around to cleaning out that mess from church sooner. The house of the Lord is no place for gay….you know John says it can spread like any other sin.”

Give me a break. Homosexuality is not contagious, but I have come to the conclusion that ignorance may be very catching! 

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